Friday, October 10, 2008

A Hawk in the Backyard

Well yesterday I had a thrill-- a hawk was sitting on a branch in one of our backyard trees. I couldn't believe my luck-- I love hawks . . . such a symbol of western life. They're independent, strong & fearless.

Unfortunately, this particular hawk was, I believe, hoping to have lunch. You see, about a month ago I put up a bird feeder to attract the local sparrows. And they do enjoy our free food! But apparently not without notice of this particular hawk.

That hawk stayed in our yard for half an hour. He tried to swoop down on some sparrows, but luckily they got away. You see, I like hawks, but I prefer that they leave the little birds alone.

Kind of like economics and big government. Yesterday was another bloodbath on Wall Street, and it's hard not to panic about our hard earned nest egg getting devoured by the "economic hawk." But my ever wise dad pointed out that we shouldn't have a victim mentality, even if life is unfair at times. So hopefully if, like the sparrow, I mind my own business and maintain a defensive position, our nest egg will remain safe-- or at least grow again someday when the market rallies again, which it is bound to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got a thing for eagles... always on the lookout for a majestic bald eagle- but I may have to have a salmon feeder in my yard to attract them ;)

thanks for having my blog on your blog list- so fun to see who + where I'm linked!

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